Intentional living…perhaps these words are indeed
extending an invitation to us all to come home to our human
potential to truly live life. These two powerful words suggest that
we can choose a deliberate and purposeful approach to experiencing
life in its fullness. Intentional living issues a
reminder that we can make a choice to take life on versus being
taken over by the challenges life can bring. This style of living
proposes that we have the capacity to honestly appraise ourselves,
to become more conscious of the choices we make, and to actively
choose the manner in which we will walk our path.
Relying on these beliefs as the foundational philosophy of our
practice in marriage and family therapy, we chose to name our
therapeutic and educational business Intentional
Living. For over twenty years in private practice, we
have continually been exposed to the strength of the human spirit
in its search for meaning and purpose. It has been our privilege to
work with individuals, couples, and numerous dedicated groups in
exploring their own level of intentionality. Here we have
continually witnessed the human capacity to grow beyond who we
presently are and to enhance our relationships with others. Growing
in intentionality fosters our potential to effectively address our
issues and problems and to bring creative answers to the questions
life will pose.
Becoming more intentional in our living is a process that
requires time, energy, and practice for us all. While it is an
inherent component of our human potential, it is a way of life that
will not emerge without our proactive attempt to embrace its
emphasis. We invite you to consider your desires for your life and
to explore our services to determine if we can offer you ways to
encourage your own intentional living. Feel free to
explore this website for more information or to contact us directly
should you have additional questions.
WELCOME HOME! May we each pledge to more fully
embrace our potential for intentional living!