"Always We Begin Again"
We borrowed this month's topic from a very tiny, but
vastly profound book by John McQuiston entitled the same…Always We Begin Again.
The author rewrites the guiding principles for the Benedictine
Order of monastic life into language fitting every layperson,
inviting our embracing of the full potential each day
The opening lines of this powerful read beckons each
of us to enter into our day, fully focused and fully present to
each and every moment as it passes into minutes and on further into
hours. This Intentional Living calls us forth into conscious
awareness and mindfulness that serves as a buffer from often unconsciously and unintentionally taking
life, and all that it offers to us, for granted. We are, in fact,
called into a space of active gratitude and respect for the
privileges we enjoy as living, breathing human beings walking this
life journey.
Several years ago a nephew of ours commented, "The
last time I was here was . . .now!" We doubt that he
was aware of what a profound statement he had just made. Talk about
living in the present! It makes us wonder what kind of life this
could be if we all acknowledged that every moment of our life
experience is precious and un-recoverable. Might that not make us
more aware of how we interact with our self as well as with others
. . . what words we say . . . what actions we take? From this
perspective, no moment in our life can ever be repeated; once it is
past, it is gone. We are literally, from one moment to the next,
always beginning a new journey. This new "beginning-in-the-moment"
awareness can then become a new adventure lived on any level…
behavioral, relational, emotional, or spiritual; the smallest
passage of time beckoning us to step anew into creating more of
what we desire for ourselves and others. This freedom of choice is
continually ours, inviting us to embrace the power of beginning again at any
point along our way. We do not have to wait for an accumulation of
less than desirable present living to weigh us down before claiming
a fresh start. We can begin now . . . or now . . . or perhaps we
will do so, now.
Our invitation to each of us, as we step into the year
2012, is to do so fully conscious, eyes wide open, with proactive
intentionality about the choices we will make in the next 12
months. May we do so with honor and respect for our freedom to
choose to begin again anytime we feel we have lost our intended
balance. May we do so fully aware that as each moment passes we are
invited to, with renewed vigor and focus, begin a new journey or
life adventure, even now, for "always we begin again."