Therapeutic Services

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy provides a dedicated opportunity for the exploration of the self. So often in the allocation of our time and energy, we are neglectful of nurturing ourselves and, inevitably, the manner in which we live becomes negatively impacted by this oversight. Individual therapy fosters an opportunity to better understand ourselves and to, in turn, offer better care to ourselves. Based upon your perception of what is most needful, individual therapy can provide a method through which your personal issues and concerns can be explored, your current responses to challenging circumstances can be tailored to maximize effectiveness, and the impact your personal history has upon your behaviors and attitudes can be reviewed. It also offers a means by which you may pursue altering the relational dynamics between yourself and others with whom you live or work, made possible by changing your own response style. Individual therapy is also well suited for facilitating your personal, professional, or spiritual growth and may be utilized as an enhancement to ongoing couple therapy. Having both a male and female therapist on staff at Intentional Living allows you to select, if desired, the gender of your therapist. This versatility can be especially beneficial for those addressing gender-sensitive issues.

Couple Therapy

It is often said that intimate relationships are a window to our very soul. In the context of this unique relationship we reveal both our lightness and our darkness, the depth of our spirit and the sometimes superficiality of our character. The struggle to be ourselves while blending life with another is an often perplexing and overwhelming challenge, yet one that is ripe with the necessary agents to stimulate our growth process. Developing the capacity to observe our own contribution to the dynamics between ourselves and our intimate partner allows us to move beyond the predictable behavioral patterns we have mutually perpetuated. From this new awareness, couples can indeed construct intentional and respectful styles of communication as well as develop effective strategies for addressing relationship issues. Couple therapy can provide a means through which the relationship becomes a prioritized focus, assisting a couple to move beyond merely experiencing life with each other into a more vibrant style of experiencing each other through life.

As a married couple continually working on our own relationship, we well understand the challenges relationships can bring. We are able to offer the opportunity for each couple to select working with a male, a female, or a co-therapy team, as schedules permit. At Intentional Living we honor all intimate relationships and feel privileged to work with non-traditional couples who may have previously experienced bias in other therapeutic environments.

Sex Therapy

As human beings, we are innately sexual beings, responding to the world around us through competing cultural, familial, and personal beliefs and values. We are each housed in a gendered body which also impacts our experiences and our perspectives. Within this melting pot of influences, we carve out our sense of self as a man or as a woman within a world that has strong views regarding each. To further complicate matters, many questions begin to arise when we become romantically involved with another human being. From this perspective, sex therapy is not merely focused on sexual behaviors but is inclusive of attitudes and perspectives, as well.

At Intentional Living we draw from our experiences as educators of human sexual development, utilizing a psycho-educational model which combines current information with therapeutic processing for personal and relational growth. Sex therapy can be explored by an individual or a couple, assisting to address such issues as sexual trauma, sexual compulsivity or addiction, and sexual orientation. In addition sex therapy may be utilized to assist in overcoming physical or emotional sexual obstacles and maximizing erotic potential. Growing into a healthy sense of sexual self often requires a redesigning of other personal or relational dynamics that may undermine this desire. These are steps that we feel confident in assisting you to take.

Having both a male and female therapist on staff, you may elect to work with the gender with whom you feel most comfortable. At Intentional Living sex therapy can, if so desired, incorporate working with both of us as a co-therapy team. In dealing with any issues of a sexual nature we take our therapeutic responsibilities very seriously and strictly adhere to the ethical guidelines for sex therapy and sex therapists as adopted by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).